
Forever Young Halva

by Abigail O'Neill

Aussie model and author of Model Chocolate, Abigail O'Neill first learned about raw sesame halva when reading Dr Paavo Airola’s health books when she was only 13. Below she shares her recipe. Note ladies, it is extremely anti-aging and highly nutritious. 

Buy a copy of Model Chocolate as an E-book or Hard Cover Book HERE 

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Thumbnail Halva1
Prep time 10 minutes
Serves 6
Difficulty Easy


  • Step 1. Use a coffee grinder to finely grind half cup portions of sesame seeds until fine.

  • Step 2. Mix together ground seeds, vanilla and honey. Hands may be necessary!

  • Step 3. Split the mixture, pressing two-thirds into a glass dish.

  • Step 4. Add agave and cacao to the remaining third and mix together well.

  • Step 5. Firmly press chocolate halva mix over the vanilla layer.

  • Step 6. Top with bee pollen if desired and refrigerate.

  • Step 7. Cut into chunks or slices to serve.


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