Hit Follow On These Instagram Accounts
Emma Lucey (@emmalucey)
From Europe to Asia, Emma Lucey is the ultimate globetrotter with a cute wardrobe to boot!
Curious Sophia Tran-Thomson (@curioussophia)
A lover of luxury travel, with a penchant for the ocean and gorgeous swimwear, this account by BBC World News journalist Sophia Tran-Thomson we'll have you dreaming of Mexico one day and take you to Paris the next. Grab your passport!
Cartwheel The Globe (@cartwheeltheglobe)
As brand manager for Beats Travel, a company that specialises in journeying to festivals, fun-loving Kara-Lisa Scott's account makes for a fun trip as she cartwheels her way around the for globe for work and play.
Paris In Four Months (@parisinfourmonths)
Swedish born, Paris-residing photographer Carin Olsson is for every girl that dreams of living in Paris and holidaying at it's equally picturesque European neighbours. Be prepared to get lost down this beautiful rabbit hole.
Sincerely Jules (@sincerelyjules)
Her work as a fashion blogger and designer takes Julie Sarinana to some of the most exciting cities in the world - Madrid, Venice, Paris to name but a few. She also happens to be one super stylish chick, so you'll love this account as much for the style inspiration as the travel.
Follow Me Too (@followmetoo)
This account documents all the behind-the-scenes action of photographer Murad Osmann and his wife Nataly Osmann's "Follow Me" project which takes them around the world. Murad is famous for creating images shot from his point of view, and showing the back of his wife Nataly's body as she leads him by the hand through various locations around the world.
Kristin Addis (@bemytravelmuse)
Picturesque scenery and adventure rule on this account penned by travel writer Kristin Addis. If you've ever wanted to chase waterfalls, this is the place to start.
The Blonde Abroad (@theblondeabroad)
Californian travel and style blogger Kirsten lets you into her world of travel, documenting the sights in the incredible places she visits including Bali, Dubai, Iceland, China.