How To Hack Your Annual Leave in 2018

Want to know how to turn 19 days of annual leave into 43 days of travel? Contiki's 2018 trip planner shows you how maximise holiday leave...
Let's face it going back to work is never easy, even when you love what you do and the people you get to do it with, losing that holiday feeling always hurts.
So what better way to soothe the pain than to start planning your next holiday. The good-time loving people at Contiki are on the same page and have whipped up this leave / trip planner below with a very easy-to-use key to help you make the most of public holiday leave (which is an extra 9 days in NSW) on top of the 20 days of annual leave most full-time employees are entitled to. According to their number crunching in 2018 you can turn 19 days of annual leave into 43 days of travel with just a bit of pre-planning.
Too good not to share - just remember to have a cocktail or two and say a little toast when you're off enjoying the sites of world without having to take leave without pay.
Bon Voyage!

SAVE THIS: 2018 Trip Planner