Business & Career

Take 5 WITH... Natalia Cooper, Journalist & TODAY Show Weather Presenter

by Rosie McKay

Smiles with a side of sunshine, we chat with Channel Nine’s TODAY show weather presenter, Natalia Cooper, about career, life and love...

As the Channel Nine's TODAY show weather presenter, Natalia Cooper's smiling face is probably one of the first to greet you each morning. Bright-eyed and vivacious, it's evident that the 32-year-old loves her job. Even with a schedule that involves constant travelling - sometimes fives days straight - and gruelling wake up times, Natalia says it's just part of the gig and she absolutely wouldn't have it any other way. 

We caught up with Natalia to chat all about life - from her career advice to crack into the media industry and favourite moments on the job, to life as newlywed with her husband music producer, Carl Fox, favourite travel and foodie hotspots, her beauty must-haves and if motherhood is next on the agenda.

See Need Want Influencer Natalia Cooper Today Show 2
You’ve had a career in journalism that spans 10 years, what’s the best career advice you have ever been given?

It's actually pretty simple but the best advice I've been given is to just be yourself.

What was the hardest thing about cracking into the entertainment industry – what hurdles did you have to overcome?

I think the hardest thing is getting your foot in the door. I tell students who want to become journalists that it's really important to do as much work experience as possible.

What’s the best thing about being on breakfast TV? What’s the worst?

I love my job! Breakfast TV is incredible. We do three and a half hours of live TV every day, it's so exciting and fast paced. The Today Show really is an amazing show to be a part of. I've got the best colleagues. I'm really enjoying travelling around Australia and I'm having some amazing experiences plus meeting the most wonderful people along the way.

The one and only minor downside is the early alarm, but that's part of the gig and I absolutely wouldn't have it any other way! 

See Need Want Influencer Natalia Cooper Today Show 3
Credit: Images courtesy of Instagram user @nataliacooper_
You recently celebrated 1 year of marriage with your husband, Carl – what do you love about married life?

Married life is awesome! I'm married to my best friend and we get to spend the rest of our lives together. It's the best.

See Need Want Influencer Natalia Cooper Today Show 5 See Need Want Influencer Natalia Cooper Today Show 6
Credit: Images courtesy of Instagram user @nataliacooper_
Your job requires you to travel a lot, how do you juggle married life with work life?

I can be away for up to five nights a week. My husband is so supportive and understanding. We make sure we spend lots of time together on the weekends. 

See Need Want Influencer Natalia Cooper Today Show 6
Credit: Images courtesy of Instagram user @nataliacooper_
Morning TV can be quite gruelling – what does a typical day look like for you? How do you fit everything in?

Every day is so different to the next! There's no typical day really. The alarm goes off in the early hours. I do my hair and makeup and we travel to our weather location to set up for the morning. Then it's show time. After we're off air, we travel to our next location by plane, car or boat or perhaps even all three! When we arrive we often have pre shooting to do and we'll also do a recce of our location for the next day.

If we're covering big weather events like cyclones or floods then those days look different again.

See Need Want Influencer Natalia Cooper Today Show 7
Has there been any memorable stories you have worked on that have had a profound affect on you? If so what one/s?

I love doing the Knock of Cash. It's where we surprise deserving Australians and give them $10,000. It's such a privilege to hear their stories. There are so many people across Australia helping others and doing incredible things for their communities. 

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Credit: Images courtesy of Instagram user @nataliacooper_
What do you love most about working with the TODAY crew?

It's fun. From the other hosts to the producers, studio crews, camera crews, audio operators, link techs - everyone is so lovely, smart, passionate and easy to work with. It's a wonderful team.

See Need Want Influencer Natalia Cooper Today Show 9
Credit: Images courtesy of Instagram user @nataliacooper_
What’s something most people might not know about you?

You end up sharing a lot of random facts about yourself with the whole country in this job! Haha. But I don't think I've shared this one. I get motion sickness! Which is pretty unusual considering how much I travel. 

What do you like to do in your downtime?

I love going to the beach, I'm such a beach girl. I also love heading to the movies, out for dinner, hanging out with my husband and my friends. I like a good quiz night - I get quite competitive - and we've also been playing a lot of tennis lately!

How do you like to keep fit?

When I'm in Sydney, I go to the gym and do classes. My friend and I also train with a PT named Cat Walker, who is amazing. When I'm away for work, if there's a gym at the hotel then I'll use that. Or I might go for a run, a walk or do a little workout in my room. 

I've also just taken up ballet again! The other night I did my first class since I was 14 years old!

See Need Want Influencer Natalia Cooper Today Show 10
Credit: Images courtesy of Instagram user @nataliacooper_
What are your TOP 3 fave beauty products? Why?

The Clinic Moisturiser. It's so divine. It feels lovely on the skin and it works wonders.

YSL Touche Eclat. It's great for tired eyes. It really brightens up any darkness.

MAC Mineralize Gloss in the colour Cheerful. It's my go to lip gloss. I love it's bright peachy colour. It's really fresh.

What’s your favourite travel destination? Why?

I would have to say Bora Bora in Tahiti. We were lucky enough to go there for our honeymoon last year and it was an absolute dream. The water is the most gorgeous blue you've ever seen.

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Credit: Images courtesy of Instagram user @nataliacooper_
See Need Want Influencer Natalia Cooper Today Travel Bora Bora Tahiti 9
Credit: Images courtesy of Instagram user @nataliacooper_
How would describe your style off-screen?

I would say my style off-screen is a little more alternative and quirky. I experiment a bit more.

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Credit: Images courtesy of Instagram user @nataliacooper_
Bags or shoes – what do you splurge on?

Shoes. I love shoes! Boots, trainers, heels, sandals - shoes float my boat.

What are your top 3 fave places for a meal?

I love food so it's really hard to pick! I've decided to go for my three favourite special occasion restaurants in Sydney and three in Melbourne as well!

SYDNEY: Cafe Sydney, Cho Cho San and Catalina.

MELBOURNE: Chin Chin, Supernormal and Coda.

Is motherhood something you see in your future?

Absolutely. I would love to have children one day. We haven't worked out the timing just yet. 

What’s next for you?

At the moment I'm really focussed on the new role. I'm giving it my all and I'm loving it. 


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