
Gluten-Free Mango & Coconut Bread

by Rosie McKay

Need to use up your mangoes? You will love this one-bowl recipe that is not only only delicious but wholesome too. Toast, top with ricotta and drizzle with honey for a fast breakfast or protein-filled 3pm pick-me-up.

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Recipe by: Recipe development and images
Prep time 15 minutes
Cook time 45mins
Serves 10
Difficulty Easy


  • Step 1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Line a loaf tine with baking paper, base and sides

  • Step 2. Combine flesh of two mangoes, baking powder, salt, eggs, oil, cinnamon, and vanilla into a bowl and mix well

  • Step 3. Add almond meal, coconut and diced mango and mix through lightly until all is combined. Do not over-mix.

  • Step 4. Spoon mixture into your loaf tin. Sprinkle with hazelnuts, additional cinnamon and coconut if desired.

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  • Step 5. Bake for 45 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. I suggest checking at around 40 minute mark.

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  • Step 6. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Remove from the tin. Store in the fridge once cooled or slice into individual serves and freeze.


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