
Beauty Speak With Solar D Ambassador Olivia Phyland

by Rosie McKay

Liv Phyland, TV host, health coach and self-confessed outdoor lover shares her beauty go-tos and why we need a good dose of vitamin D...

SLIP, SLOP, SLAP, it's the sun safe message that has been ingrained in each and every Aussie in a bid to help us protect ourself from sun cancer. But making sure our bodies get enough Vitamin D - crucial for strong bones and teeth, resistance of diseases to regulate mood and decrease depression -  is just as important. Here we chat to Solar D Ambassador Olivia (Liv) Phyland about her beauty routine, beauty must-haves, and the importance of getting enough Vitamin D.

See Need Want Beauty Liv Phyland Solar D Sunscreen
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @livphyland
What do you love about Solar D Products?

As someone who is obsessed with being outdoors, doing activities and being in the ocean, I am in the sun every single day. Solar D is my saving grace! It’s easily absorbed, has no time for staining your clothes, and is a-ok for sensitive skin.
Plus, it helps protect me from the harsh UVA rays that cause skin damage, aging and sun cancers, but also allows my body to absorb the UVB rays responsible for producing Vitamin D. FYI- Vitamin D is so important for good health, so a win win situation!

What's your skincare regimen and go-to products?

Being on TV means I wear a lot of make up, so my main aim of the game is to clean and rejuvenate my skin. For that I rely a lot on my Clarisonic facial cleansing brush (it’s a game changer), and a Sea2Skin activating mask

Since breaking out in pimples (hello teenage Liv) a lot this year, have started having the occasional microdermabrasion facials at ClearSkincare Bondi. I have quite dry skin so always lather up on a lot of moisturiser, especially before bed. And then start everyday with solar D sunscreen!

See Need Want Beauty Liv Phyland Solar D Sunscreen See Need Want Beauty Liv Phyland Solar D Sunscreen 2
Credit: Solar D Sunscreen
How do you prevent your skin from becoming too oily in summer?

My main beauty secret for glowing skin… the ocean! Salt water and a bit of Vitamin D seem to make my skin so much clearer. And for that I love Summer even more! Unfortunately though, the downside to summer skin; wearing sunscreen every single day. In the past it has made my skin quite clogged and oily after a while. The brilliant thing with Solar D is that it’s not oily or heavy on the skin, and is fragrance free, which means my sensitive skin doesn’t become a raging hot mess. 

See Need Want Beauty Liv Phyland Solar D Sunscreen 2
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @livphyland
What are your tips for creating a great natural make up without too much shine?

Firstly, less is best ladies! I’ve been using the Georgio Armani foundation the last 6 months, and it is like silk! Gives you great coverage but doesn’t look like you’re wearing make up (Georgio if you’re reading this, feel free to give me a lifetime supply of foundation. Cheers). Then I am all about some bronzer and dab of mousse blush, for an overall glow. If I’m not going in the water (or am trying to pull out all the stops and impress you), I will do a bronze eye shadow and a bit of mascara.

Why is it so important to protect our skin from the sun but not completely eliminate the ability to absorb Vitamin D?

Like most Aussies, I’ve grown up with SLIP SLOP SLAP being part of my Summer routine. I still stand by that, as it is vital to protect ourselves from skin cancer and prematurely aging. But at the same time, especially since studying Psychology and Nutrition, I’ve discovered the harm of eliminating Vitamin D production. It’s vital for strong bones and teeth, helps resist diseases such as cancer, Type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis, and helps regulate mood and decrease depression. I call it the Happy Vitamin… let’s keep it coming!

What's your favourite summer look?

Thank goodness my favourite summer look, is the ‘beach look’… because that’s where I am everyday. Sunscreen, light foundation, bronzer, salty messy hair… and if you’re lucky, I will take it out of a top-knot. 


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