Health + Fitness

The 'NO DIET' Lifestyle Program That Will Transform Your Body And Life

by Rosie McKay

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Laura Henshaw 4
Credit: Images courtesy of @keepitcleaner
Steph Claire Smith & Laura Henshaw reveal what their new online lifestyle program KIC is all about PLUS chat food, fitness and wellness...

At just 23 and 24 respectively, and with 1.3million Instagram followers collectively, it's no surprise that models Steph Claire Smith and Laura Henshaw are continuing to create waves in the health and fitness world. As models their own battles and behaviours when it came to food and exercising, and more importantly overcoming them, led them to create  Keep It Cleaner (KIC) a place where they shared their knowledge and passion for health, wellness, food, fitness and advocating self-love.

The message resonated with so many young women that when the opportunity arose to make the platform bigger and better, the super fit and incredibly toned Steph and Laura decided to relaunch Keep It Cleaner (KIC) as a brand-new subscription-based lifestyle program. 

Set to go live on Sept 4, 2017, there is already a buzz about the program which some are calling "a lifestyle bible'. And with so many an online weightloss and fitness programs already to choose from, what sets KIC apart? The girls explain it best. “Keep It Cleaner (KIC) is not just a program, it’s a way of life”, say Steph and Laura. “It isn’t about diets or spending countless hours at the gym; it’s about balance. We developed KIC after years of being continually contacted by fans who were desperate for advice, REAL advice. Young women are confused by fads and the complexity of choices... it is confusing and to be honest, life shouldn’t be that hard! Therefore, we created KIC, to respond to our fans, to give them a platform they can live by, a platform that they can relate to, a platform that speaks to them, not at them! We are so proud of it!”

In this exclusive interview with See.Need.Want, Steph and Laura share why they're so passionate about being advocates for healthy living and learning to love yourself, what a day on their plate looks like (including cheat days!), their fave KIC recipes plus their top tips for how to stay motivated when the going gets tough. 

Such an inspirational read! 

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Laura Henshaw 2
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @keepitcleaner
Why did you decide to relaunch KIC? What can users expect from the new online lifestyle program?

Steph Smith: We believe there can never be enough resources for living a healthy lifestyle, so we wanted to expand on our old website so that we could put more information and inspiration out than ever! We're targeting younger girls but really it's a program anyone can benefit from. We're under no specific category other than 'learn to love yourself' and 'eat cleaner and be active'. We have no short cuts or quick fixes because ours is not a weight loss program, it's a program to follow to become a more healthy and happy you!

Who is the program aimed at? 

Our demographic is certainly females, particularly between the ages of 16-25... but it's really a program for women at any age! It's all about teaching women to love themselves and to live a healthy balanced lifestyle! 

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Laura Henshaw 5
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @stephclairesmith
When did you both get interested in health & fitness?

Steph: I have always been active, I loved sport as a kid and throughout high school... but healthy eating wasn't always a priority for me. It wasn't until I left school, my metabolism slowed down, and I started modelling ... that I started to watch what I was eating. I fell in love with the way that healthy eating made me feel! Inside and out. 

Laura: I have grown up in a very sporty family but really starting prioritising my health when I got busier with uni and work. If I wasn’t fuelling my body properly I wouldn’t have energy to get through my day. 

Between you, you have amassed over 1.3million followers, how has Instagram and social media played a role in the success of your program and getting your message out there?

Steph: other than the obvious (as in being able to market our brand to so many people instantly) It's 'played a role' because people have gotten to know the both of us on our socials, and they know that we are into health, food and fitness and a lot of them follow us for inspiration. We also only push or promote things we believe in and genuinely use and love, so if we have personally created a program and are promoting it, they can trust that it will be good.

Laura: It has been an amazing way to promote Keep it Cleaner but also a huge motivator for us because we know the huge responsibility we have with all of the younger girls who look up to us and want to be the best possible role models that we can for them.

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Laura Henshaw 7
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @laura.henshaw
What are some of the results someone can expect from doing KIC?

They can expect to be a happier, fitter, stronger version of themselves! Through eating fresh and yummy food, mindfulness exercises on loving your body, and exercising regularly they will become a healthier and happier person!

How often do you like to work out? 

Steph: I'm active every day, but I like to have 1-2 days where I might just go for a walk over going hard at the gym. 

Laura: Usually 5-6 days a week but always mix it up and make sure I ALWAYS have a rest day.

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Exercise See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Laura Henshaw 1
Credit: Image courtesy of @stephclairesmith, Image courtesy of @laura.henshaw
How did you come up with the mix of workouts for the program – why do you think they work?

The program is made up of our favourite workouts and what we do every week. Boxing is a killer for core and upper body toning, we have strength training for all over body toning and HIIT and running for fitness and toning. Everything is covered! 

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Boxing See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Laura Henshaw 4
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @keepitcleaner , Image courtesy of Instagram user @laura.henshaw
Food is a big part of your life and program – what are some of your favourite recipes?

Steph: RADICAL ROCKY ROAD is definitely my personal favourite! 

Laura: I love our banana bread or sweet potato nachos which will be on the program!

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Laura Henshaw Food Recipes Radical Rocky Road
See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Laura Henshaw Food Recipes Sweet Potato Nachos
How important does diet play in getting results from the program? 

Health is a combination of diet, sleep, good mental health and training. You need them all. You can’t out train an unhealthy diet!

What are your thoughts on body image and what message do you hope to send to your audience?

We're both super passionate on spreading the message about loving yourself! We want to make sure that the girls who join our program are aiming to be the best version of themselves and not trying to be or look like someone else! Absolutely everyone has insecurities and that's normal... it's about getting to a healthy mindset where you can accept that and look at the things you love on your body instead!

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith 6 See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Laura Henshaw 5
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @stephclairesmith, Image courtesy of Instagram user laura.henshaw
Self-love, mindfulness and sleep are the other key components of the program – can you explain why you believe these components are so important to for health?

Health is not one dimensional. All of the above components plus being active and a healthy diet is essential to being the best version of yourself. Loving yourself and being confident is such a huge part of a healthy mind.

What sort of diet do you follow?

Steph: NO DIET! Just eat fresh wholesome foods and remember to not cut out the things you love! Just eat everything in moderation.

Laura: No diets for me either! I follow the 80/20 rule. I believe in balance, moderation and listening to your body. 

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Laura Henshaw 8
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @keepitcleaner
What does a typical day on your plate look like?

Steph: Breakfast is usually a buckwheat porridge with peanut butter and blueberries! Lunch is usually either a salad with chicken or smashed avocado with spinach and poached eggs. Dinner changes all the time, but my favourite dinner is roast chicken with roast veggies! I always end the day with a couple of pieces of dark chocolate and peppermint tea!

Laura: For breakfast I have a big smoothie (usually green) and ensure it has a source of protein and healthy fats to keep me full. For lunch and dinner I always mix it up but usually have some type of protein with lots of greens, avo and sweet potato. I always have something sweet after dinner such as Greek yoghurt and berries or some dark choc. I will also snack during the day when I am hungry on nuts, fresh fruit or rice crackers and a homemade dip.


See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Chicken Salad Clean Food See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Laura Henshaw 2
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @keepitcleaner , Image courtesy of Instagram user @laura.henshaw
Do you ever have cheat meals / treats? If so what?

Steph: yes of course!!! I love cheese platters, I love chocolate, and I love hot chips! 

Laura: Me too! If I am craving something I won’t deprive myself of it. Hot chips are my absolute fave treat!

How do you juggle personal work commitments with KIC?

Steph: It can get really hard at times! Because we both have so much going on outside of KIC that are just as exciting so sometimes it's hard to know what to prioritise. But we get it done! It's easy to be motivated to work on KIC because we know it's a business that's helping people!

Laura: I spend 20 minutes every morning planning my day and writing to do lists to make sure I get through everything I need to. To do lists are my savour!

What are your 3 top tips for staying motivated and positive when things get tough?

1. Remember everything will pass - Sometimes bad things happen and at the time they seem like the worst thing ever but once you look at the bigger picture they won’t seem so bad.

2. Go for a run, walk or meditate - This can help calm your mind and clarify things.

3. Focus on the silver lining - The more mistakes that you make the more you learn.

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Laura Henshaw 3
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @laura.henshaw
You both have amazing skin, what are your three top beauty must-haves or treatments?

1. Drink lots of water 

2. Coconut oil for makeup remover, body moisturiser and split ends treatment! 

3. Eat less refined sugars!

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Laura Henshaw 3
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @keepitcleaner
What’s your go-to workout outfit and fave activewear brands?

Steph: adidas head-to-toe! I like wearing mainly black, but then a splash of colour with a bright sports bra!

Laura: I always mix it up. Whatever is on the top of my washing pile usually as I am always in a rush!

See Need Want Kic Fitness Lifestyle Online Program Step Claire Smith Laura Henshaw 1
Credit: Image courtesy of Instagram user @keepitcleaner
What does success look like to you?

Steph: Happiness=Success 

Laura: A healthy family, amazing people surrounding me and doing what I love and being happy.

How do you like to unwind?

Steph: Long walks or trips up to the Murray River with my boyfriend Josh. 

Laura: I run - it is my form of meditation.

What does the future hold for you?

Steph: Who knows! But that's the exciting thing about what I do... I never know what's coming! 

Laura: For KIC the future is very exciting and we can’t wait to share everything we are working on at the moment

For more info check out KIC


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